Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) ONLINE info day: 5th Feb. 2024

TJY Derrien will be delighted to participate into the “Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships as a tool for bilateral cooperation”, a webinar that will be held on Feb. 5th 2024 – 10h-12h (link to be precised).

The current envisioned program is meant to represent a number of diplomatic landscapes for funding scientific research between France, Czech Republic and Slovakia. It will cover the following parts.

  • Marie Curie Post-doctoral Fellowships (MSCA/PF),
  • ERA Fellowships / ERA talents,
  • Program Hubert Curien (PHC) “Barrande” for PhD scholarships between France and Czech Republic,
  • a summary of Czech, Slovak and French landscapes for funding researchers,
  • an applicant guideline on how to find a host,
  • a testimony of experience by Thibault JY Derrien (Marie Curie Individual Fellowship 2015 – 2017, and RISE fellow 2019 – 2024).

2-months visit (Marie Curie RISE) of 2 PhD students from University of Cuyo (Mendoza, Argentina)

2 PhD students from the University of Cuyo (Mendoza, Argentina) Andrés I. Bertoni and Micaela J. Sosa have visited the HiLASE laboratory during 2 months. While hot summer took place in Argentina, Andrés and Micaela have successfully braved the Czech winter.

Their 2-months stay was funded by the Marie Curie project ATLANTIC.

Out of their stay, they managed to enlarge the scope of the group activities to biology and to chemistry using microscopic modeling. They both contributed to the ATLANTIC project deliverables and knowledge exchange, a mission that Marie Curie Actions stand for.

The cultural exchange has also been excellent, sharing empanadas (!), music events, discussions in Spanish, and even in Czech. As a result, Czech-Argentinian relations have never been so well developed.

Their stay is definitely what Marie Curie Actions can offer at its best. We look forward to seeing them again with greatest pleasure.

From left to right: Marika Kurova, Andrés Bertoni (University de Cuyo, Argentina), Diego, Micaela J. Sosa (University de Cuyo, Argentina), Dr. Thibault JY Derrien (Hilase Centre, Czech Acad. Sci.)