Our group will inaugurate the moving of SLA department to the Division of Optics (ASCR>FZU)

From January 1st 2025, the department of Scientific Laser Application (lead by Prof. Nadezhda M. Bulgakova), and hence the group of “Ultrafast Photonics” (led by T. J.-Y. Derrien) will officially move to FZU Slovanka (Prague, Metro Ladvi), within the Division of Optics (led by Dr. Alexander Dejneka).

  • The theory group “Ultrafast Photonics” will start with the move from Nov. 1st 2024. This means that access to our production machines may be disrupted for some weeks. The shorter the better.
  • The femtosecond lasers and other parts of the laboratory will be moving next year, around April-May 2025.
  • Email addresses will come back to the fzu.cz domain in the course of 2025.

Overall, the stay of SLA department at HiLASE has generated several of the best cited publications for the HiLASE Centre. With moving to the Division of Optics, our indicators will be more aligned with those required by the Academy of Sciences.

Autumn/Winter conferences & seminars

TJY Derrien presented the results of computational research on the role of realistic experimental conditions on optoelectronic properties of graphene. This research was developed in the frames of OPJAK/”Sendiso” project and MSCA/RISE/”Atlantic”. Results were presented as poster presentation in two conferences:

  • Conference on Laser Ablation, Creete. [Program]
  • Grapene Week, Prague. [Website | Program is only available using the dedicated application].

The simulation technique at the center of this work enables to treat organic systems in a way that couples electron structure theory and molecular dynamics, at reduced computational cost.

Next presentation in conferences & laboratories envisioned for the moments are:

  • Nov. 4th-5th, 2024: 8th IT4I users meeting [Program]
  • Nov. 20th, 2024: Max Planck for Structure and Dynamics of matter, Hamburg (Germany).
  • Dec. 2024: Faculty of Appl. Mathematics, Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic).
  • Feb. 2025: Invited presentation at FemtoMAT conference, Mauterndorf (Austria).

TJY Derrien gave presentation at the EuroCC “Quantum Computing” seminar

The consortium of EU project “EuroCC” organizes “Quantum Computing seminars” on a regular basis.

On September 26th, T. J.-Y. Derrien was honored to present a 1h seminar on “Coherent control of electron dynamics in solids: a milestone for quantum computing?”

The seminar will be made available on Youtube and presented the knowledge gained from Ultrafast Photonics activities over the last 10 years at FZU Institute of Physics.

A proposition of activities for the new research group “Quantum Dynamics of Systems” was also depicted.