TJY Derrien co-animated the Optica writing workshop for students of the Charles University (Prague)

The faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University organized a Writing workshop in collaboration with Optica, the former Optical Society of America.

Main organizers were Dr. Clauss Roll, director of Optica Europe and MSc. Andrej Farkas, PhD student of the faculty.

Dr. Clauss Roll presented general aspects of the publication process, and Thibault Derrien, associate editor for Optics Express (Optica) presented the submission and the peer-review processes in more details.

A masterclass for writing abstracts efficiently then took place. Each student wrote a structured abstract and received feedback via online system.

The workshop took place as an hybrid event since TJY Derrien is presently travelling in Argentina.

We are getting trained on a new simulation technique in Mendoza, Argentina

Dr. Thibault J.-Y. Derrien, scientist from the Group of Ultrafast Photonics (Department of Scientific Laser Applications) of the HiLASE Centre, has spent one month in the groups of Prof. Cristian Sanchez and Prof. Mario del Popolo, established at the University de Cuyo, Mendoza (Argentina). During his stay, he was introduced to simulation methods that can predict the consequences of pulsed laser radiation at organic materials and molecules. The methods can be employed to design processes that are based on usage of intense laser light for the fields of organic chemistry, biology and drug design.

This exchange was supported by the Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) for Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) “ATLANTIC” that funds a network of researchers in numerical modeling of laser irradiation with materials, a program of the European Union (grant agreement no. 823897).